Reflections on richness and complementarity in diversity: The Tuning Journal contribution to global education and scholarship

  • Mary Gobbi University of Southampton, UK


The progress so far with the Journal has more than justified the Spirit evoked by the European Bologna Process and the key role played by the Tuning founders and activists in their endeavor to enable Higher Education Institutions to address the challenges of this Century. They have helped contribute to the necessary reforms of the European Higher Education Space. Tuning commenced with aspirations to facilitate student centred learning underpinned by effective pedagogy, stakeholder engagement and the achievement of quality assured competence-based education. What is crucial in the Tuning vision, particularly as it is now literally sharing experience within the global community, is the commitment to avoid uniformity, celebrate diversity, recognize points of convergence and find opportunities to share good practices. In true academic fashion, we must be ever ready for debate and deliberation.

Published online: 29 November 2019


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Author Biography

Mary Gobbi, University of Southampton, UK

Editor Tuning Journal for Higher Education

How to Cite
Gobbi, Mary. 2019. “Reflections on Richness and Complementarity in Diversity: The Tuning Journal Contribution to Global Education and Scholarship”. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 7 (1), 25-30.

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