Tuning in Higher Education: Ten years on
When the first issue of the Tuning Journal for Higher Education was published in November 2013, the Tuning initiative had become of global significance, running projects in all continents. These all focussed on curriculum reform backed up by an internationally defined approach based on the paradigm of outcome based, that is, student-centred and active learning, in addition to agreed reference points. Around the same time, the Tuning aims and objectives were extended. This reset followed societal and technical developments. More emphasis was put on social inclusions, the involvement of students, identifying relevant topics, and to the development of practical tools. Also, more attention has been given to staff development responding to the notion that the modernisation of the higher education sector as well as the reform of degree programmes proved to be rather slow and a bit disappointing. To boost the process, Tuning – very recently - developed general Qualifications Reference Frameworks for all learning cycles as well as a Guideline to use these for Quality Assurance. For five disciplinary fields it also developed transnational diagnostic tests as a means to identify shortcomings in degree programmes, pushing for change. As a result, Tuning has reinvented itself to stay highly relevant for the years to come.
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American Historical Association website: https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/tuning-the-history-discipline.
Beneitone, Pablo and Yarosh, Maria, “Trans-regional generic-competences: The core of an internationalzed curriculum.” Research in Comparative and International Education17,no.3(2022):486-510.https://doi.org/10.1177/17454999221097026.
Birtwistle, Tim, Courtney Brown, and Robert Wagenaar, “A long way to go … A study on the implementation of the learning-outcomes based approach in the EU.” Tuning Journal for Higher Education 3, no. 2. (May 2016): 429-463.
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CALOHEA website. https://calohea.org.
CALOHEE Project website. https://www.calohee.eu.
DARE+ website. http://dareplus.eu/content/about-dare.
EMJMD Society, Politics, and Culture in a Global Context: Euroculture website: https://www.euroculturemaster.eu.
EMJMD in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA) website: https://www.nohanet.org.
eWBL website. https://www.ewbl-project.com/.
European Commission, ECTS Users’ Guide. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the Diploma Supplement. Brussels, 14 August 2004.
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European Commission et.al, The European Higher Education Area in 2012: Bologna process – Implementation report. Brussels, 2012.
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European Students’ Union (ESU), Bologna With Student Eyes 2012. Brussels, 2012.
European Students’ Union (ESU), Bologna With Student Eyes 2015. Time to meet the expectations from 1999. Brussels, 2015.
International Tuning Academy website. https://tuningacademy.org/publications/.
Lokhoff, Jenneke, et al. Tuning Guide to Formulating Degree Programme Profiles.
Including Programme Competences and Programme Learning Outcomes. Bilbao, Groningen, The Hague, 2010. https://tuningacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/A-Guide-to-Formulating-DPP_EN.pdf.
OECD, Fostering and Assessing Students’ Creative and Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education: https://www.oecd.org/education/ceri/fostering-assessing-students-creative-and-critical-thinking-skills-in-higher-education.htm.
OECD, Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected / Desired Learning Outcomes in Engineering. OECD Education Working Papers, no. 60, OECD
Publishing, Paris 2011. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/a-tuning-ahelo-conceptual-framework-of-expected-desired-learning-outcomes-in-engineering_5kghtchn8mbn-en.
OECD, Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected and Desired Learning Outcomes in Economics. OECD Education Working Papers, no. 59, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2011. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/tuning-ahelo-conceptual-framework-of-expected-and-desired-learning-outcomes-in-economics_5kghtchwb3nn-en.
OECD website: https://www.oecd.org/education/skills-beyond-school/ahelo-main-study.htm.
Perusso, Andre and Robert Wagenaar , “Electronic work-based learning (eWBL): a framework for trainers in companies and higher education.” Studies in Higher Education, 8 Nov. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2023.2280193.
Perusso, André, and Robert Wagenaar, “The State of Work-based Learning Development in EU Higher Education: Learning from the WEXHE Project,” Studies in Higher Education 47, no.7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2021.1904233.
Project FORTH website. https://www.project-forth.org/.
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Sursock, Andrée, Trends 2015: Learning and Teaching in European Universities.
Brussels, European University Association, 2015.
Tuning Asia – South-East website. https://tuningasia-southeast.org.
Tuning India website. https://tuningindia.org.
Tuning Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for Social Sciences. Final Report 2008 – 2010. Bilbao, 2010. https://tuningacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SQF_Social-Sciences_EN.pdf.
Tuning Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for the Humanities and the Arts. Final Report 2010 – 2011. Bilbao, 2012. https://tuningacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SQF_HUMART_Final_Report_2010-2011.pdf.
Tuning T-Meda website. http://tuningmeda.org.
Van Damme, D., and D. Zahner, ed. Does Higher Education Teach Students to Think Critically?, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1787/cc9fa6aa-en.
Wagenaar, Robert, A History of ECTS, 1989-2019. Developing a World Standard for Credit Transfer and Accumulation in Higher Education. Bilbao and Groningen: International Tuning Academy, 2019. ISBN 978-84-1325-042-7.
Wagenaar, Robert. “Evidencing Competence in a Challenging World. European Higher Education Initiatives to Define, Measure and Compare Learning.” In International Journal of Chinese Education (IJCE). SAGE. April 20, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1177/22125868211006928.
Wagenaar, R., Learning Outcomes a Fair Way to Measure Performance in Higher Education: the Tuning Approach. Outcomes of higher education: Quality relevance and impact. Paris: OECD, 8-10 September 2008. http://www.oecd.org/site/eduimhe08/41203784.pdf.
Wagenaar, Robert, Reform! TUNING the Modernisation Process of Higher Education in Europe. A Blueprint for Student-Centred Learning. Bilbao and Groningen, 2019. ISBN 978-84-1325-032-8.
Wagenaar, Robert, “Quality Efforts at the Disciplinary Level: Bologna’s Tuning process.” In Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education, edited by Ellen Hazelkorn, Ellen, Alexander McCormick, Andrew Gibson, and Hamish Coates, 275-289. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2018.
Wagenaar, Robert, Arlene Gilpin and Pablo Beneitone, Tuning in China. An EU- China Feasibility Study into the Modernisation of Higher Education, Bilbao and Groningen, 2015. ISBN 978-84-15772-95-8.
Wagenaar, Robert. “The Myth of Power: Governing Reform in the Bologna Process of Higher Education.” In From Actors to Reforms in European (Higher) Education. Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga, edited by Manja Klemenčič, 45-63. Higher Education Dynamics Series. Series Editors: Peter Maassen and Johan Muller. Cham: Springer-Nature, 2022.
Wagenaar, Robert. “What Do We Know – What Should We Know? Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning in European Higher Education: Initiating the New CALOHEE Approach.” In Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education. Cross-National Comparisons and Perspectives, edited by Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia, Olga, Miriam Toepper, Hans Anand Pant, Corinna Lautenbach, and Christine Kuhn, 169-189. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Yarosh, Maria, Anna Serbati, and Aidan Seery, ed. Developing Generic Competences Outside the University Classroom. Granada, 2016.
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