Entrepreneurial intention development: The contribution of specialized entrepreneurship academic programs

Keywords: entrepreneurship education, university Students, entrepreneurial intention, theory of planned behavior


Entrepreneurship Education (EE) programming is being developed at tertiary-level academic institutions, to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs. We collected data from undergraduate students from the Western region of Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico (N=25). The aim was to measure entrepreneurial intention by exposing the sample to a new educational structure that engages students in entrepreneurial activities. The Entrepreneurship program is highly specialized with a maximum of 25 students. This allows for students to receive individualized Monterrey is number 4 in The Princeton Review’s Top Undergraduate Schools for Entrepreneurship Ranking 2023. The school uses process-based approaches to EE. Guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), we assessed changes in the students’ attitudes toward entrepreneurship, perceived behavioral control, and intentions to become an entrepreneur. Using a seven-point Likert scale, the data was collected using anonymous online links at two points during the semester: the beginning of the semester (T1) and the end of the 1st Period (T2). The data was analyzed with SPSS software and the Friedman Calculator. Our research findings indicate a high score at T1. There was a slight change at T2, but the change was not statistically significant. Consequently, we introduce and review other approaches to Entrepreneurship Education that might be more effective. Noteworthy is that the sample is immersed in an entrepreneurial university context, both within and outside the academic setting, which fosters a strong motivation among students to contribute societal value through entrepreneurial endeavors.

Received: 17 December 2022
Accepted: 8 April 2024


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Author Biographies

Carolina Llorente-Portillo, University of Deusto, Spain

PhD Candidate at University of Deusto (Spain) under the fellowship program of the European Commission MSCA –Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions–. She holds a master in Sustainable Management and Eco-innovation from Rennes School of Business (France) and a bachelor degree in International Business from EAFIT (Colombia). Member of the research group EDISPe –Social Development, Economy and Social Innovation for people– from University of Deusto, which is recognized with Category B label by the Basque Government. Collaborator of the Academic Entrepreneurship Program of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) and of the DYME Institute (USA). Her experience allows to identify business risks and opportunities, propose strategies and implement improvements to obtain sustainable academic and business environments.

John Alver Dobson, Clark University, USA

DBA, is the founder of the DYME institute, which uses problem-based learning approaches to help students develop their entrepreneurial skills. He has a Doctorate from the University of Manchester (UK) and a master’s degree in Development Management from the London School of Economics. He is currently associate professor at Clark University and teaches courses on the Entrepreneurship & Innovation minor. He teaches and travels widely and has taught at various global settings such as Canada, China, Colombia, France, Honduras, Mexico, Malaysia, Nepal, Spain, The Philippines, Uganda, & the UK. Through the DYME institute, he has worked with many universities to help develop their entrepreneurship program. He hosts an annual faculty development workshop at Clark, where he brings faculty from around the world to learn about the DYME methodology of Teaching and Learning entrepreneurship.

Niyan Kwame Omari Fraser, Tecnológico de Monterrey, School of Business, Mexico

He is an academic with research interests in the areas of Entrepreneurship Education and Social Entrepreneurship Education, as well as multidisciplinary areas related to Entrepreneurship Education. He is currently a professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico where he teaches courses on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. In addition, he is also a business mentor, advisor, coach, and consultant, helping small businesses to develop and expand on their current operations. He loves the Opportunity stage of the entrepreneurial process and helps others to work on the determination of their business ideas. His current research is focused on the impact of Social Entrepreneurship Education, looking at different aspects of student subsequent behavior. He has a Doctorate degree from the University of Tasmania in Australia and a Master’s degree from Jönköping University in Sweden.

Laura Gómez-Urquijo, University of Deusto, Spain

She holds a Jean Monnet Chair on EU Economic and Legal Integration for People at the University of Deusto granted by the European Commission. She is Full Professor of Economics of the European Union at the University of Deusto, Spain, where she has performed, among others, the following duties: Head of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Law, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Director of the UNESCO Chair for Human Resources Training in Latin America. She has been principal researcher in research projects funded by international, national and regional public entities (European Commission, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Basque Government, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia). She takes part of the research group EDISPe (Economics, Development and Social Innovation for People) and has published more than 50 research contributions on EU policies and its social impact in academic journals, books and conferences.


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How to Cite
Llorente-Portillo, Carolina, John Alver Dobson, Niyan Kwame Omari Fraser, and Laura Gómez-Urquijo. 2024. “Entrepreneurial Intention Development: The Contribution of Specialized Entrepreneurship Academic Programs”. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 11 (2), 221-54. https://doi.org/10.18543/tjhe.2633.