COVID-19 Special Section: Introduction. Emerging from the pandemic: Can the future be resilient, proactive, and sustainable?

  • Anca Greere Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
Keywords: emergency remote teaching and learning, COVID-19 higher education response, transferability in higher education, overcoming pandemic challenges, stakeholder engagement


This introduction to the Special Section on COVID-19 experiences, impact, and implications for higher education emphasises the importance of recognising the opportunities and challenges posed by the pandemic experience, especially through emergency remote teaching and learning arrangements, and outlines various studies conducted to pinpoint recommendations for future action within higher education. The conclusions reached reinforce the notion that solutions are context-dependant and culture-specific; still, a high degree of transferability is exhibited across the four continents represented in the Special Section.


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Author Biography

Anca Greere, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania

COVID-19 Section Editor
Professor of English Linguistics and Translation Studies
Director of European Master's in Translation Studies and Terminology
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

How to Cite
Greere, Anca. 2022. “COVID-19 Special Section: Introduction. Emerging from the Pandemic: Can the Future Be Resilient, Proactive, and Sustainable?”. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 9 (2), 179-85.