Cooperative learning and social cohesion: Study in the 4th year classes of tourism degree of Cuba and Mexico

  • Félix Díaz-Pompa University of Holguin, Cuba
  • Nadia Vianney Hernández-Carreón Technological University of Tehuacan, Mexico
  • Idevis Lores-Leyva University of Guantanamo, Cuba
  • Olga Lidia Ortiz-Pérez University of Holguin, Cuba
Keywords: cooperative learning, social cohesion, analysis of social networks, social competences, higher education, tourism education programs


The comprehensive training of future professionals is a fundamental objective of Higher Education. In this sense, cooperative learning, while contributing to learning, also favors the development of social competences that promote the social cohesion of the group or class. The objective of this research is to compare two class groups of Bachelor’s degree courses in Tourism from universities in Cuba and Mexico, taking into account the social cohesion achieved from the cooperative learning experience. The Social Network Analysis method is used to obtain those indicators that show the social cohesion achieved by these class groups subject to cooperative learning practices. The results show that the Cuban class group exhibits better results with respect to Mexico. On the other hand, some elements that should continue to be worked on from this experience for the development of social competencies and to achieve greater social cohesion are evidenced.

Received: 8 April 2022
Accepted: 16 April 2023


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Author Biographies

Félix Díaz-Pompa, University of Holguin, Cuba

Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Holguin since 2019, Doctor of Science since 2014 and Professor of the Department of Tourism. He has more than 20 years of work experience in Higher Education. For several years he was Advisor of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering. Research Professor who teaches in the Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism. Member of the faculty of the Master’s Degree in Tourism Management. Member of the Technical Advisory Council of Mintur in Holguin. The main lines of research he works on are cooperative learning, educational orientation, self-management of knowledge, scientometrics, tourism public policies, digital marketing, knowledge management and innovation in tourism facilities. He has publications in national and international journals. He has extensive experience in the management of research projects. Throughout his professional life, he has been recognized for his work as a research professor and in the management of university processes.

Nadia Vianney Hernández-Carreón, Technological University of Tehuacan, Mexico

Research Professor at the University of Puebla, institution where she worked for many years in the Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and Economics. Currently Rector of the Technological University of Tehuacan for the period 2020 - 2024. He holds a doctorate with honors in Economic and Strategic Sector Development; MBA from the Graduate School of Business Administration of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He has more than 20 years of work experience in the public sector and in civil society organizations in Mexico; he has 18 publications, including journals and book chapters at national and international level; his line of research is entrepreneurship and innovation. He has been dedicated to teaching at the higher education level since 2007, and to research and consulting since 2014. He has taught courses in different universities in the country and abroad. Throughout his professional life, he has received several awards and recognitions.

Idevis Lores-Leyva, University of Guantanamo, Cuba

Vice Rector of Research and Graduate Studies at the University of Guantanamo since 2018. With experience as Postgraduate Director since 2013. She is a Doctor of Science from the University of Holguin since 2013, Master in Educational Sciences and tenured professor. Most of her working life has been dedicated to the career of Bachelor in Education as a research professor at the University of Guantanamo. She has worked in universities in Angola as an advisor to the training process in the careers of Primary Education and Special Education. She has more than 20 years of work experience in higher education in Cuba. Her main lines of research are related to cooperative learning, in the field of speech therapy: dyslexia and dysgraphia and educational guidance. She has published more than 20 articles in national and international journals related to the lines of research. She has been awarded and recognized for her work throughout her professional life.

Olga Lidia Ortiz-Pérez, University of Holguin, Cuba

Professor- Researcher of the Department of Tourism of the University of Holguin. Doctor in Sciences by the University of Holguin and Professor of the Department of Tourism. She has worked in Higher Education for 21 years. She begins her labor life in the University of Pedagogical Sciences of Holguin in the career of Licentiate in Geography. At the moment, she is a teacher in the Degree in Tourism, with experience in the coordination of the Masters in Tourism Management, Member of the Technical Advisory Council of the Delegation of the Mintur in Holguin. Professor invited by Angolan universities in which she served as advisor of the research and training processes. The main lines of research she works on are cooperative learning, self-management of knowledge, scientometrics, tourism public policies, digital marketing, knowledge management and innovation in tourism organizations. She has extensive experience in the management of research projects.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Pompa, Félix, Nadia Vianney Hernández-Carreón, Idevis Lores-Leyva, and Olga Lidia Ortiz-Pérez. 2023. “Cooperative Learning and Social Cohesion: Study in the 4th Year Classes of Tourism Degree of Cuba and Mexico”. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 10 (2), 189-222.