Views of pre-service teachers on the research-based teacher education approach
In this study, the aim was to complete an investigation based on the views of pre-service teachers taking a scientific research methods course grounded on the critical features of the research-based teacher education approach. Within this scope, answers to the questions of “what are the views of pre-service teachers about (a) the outcomes provided by the research methods course, (b) the reasons for teachers to have research competencies, and (c) the professional function of scientific studies?” were sought. This research was designed with the basic qualitative research pattern. The researcher developed an interview form comprising open-ended questions to specify the views of pre-service teachers, which were the research target. To create the study group for the research, criterion sampling was chosen from the targeted sampling methods. The study was completed with 110 pre-service teachers attending the educational faculty of a state university in Turkey. A detailed analysis process was completed in four stages for the research data. Analyses were performed on statements reporting a total of 684 views. Pre-service teachers showed development in 25 subcategories classified into research competence, professional competence, and personal growth. Teachers’ need for research competency was justified based on the needs of contemporary teachers, the requirements due to the nature of the class, and ensuring the optimal conditions for effective teaching. Pre-service teachers’ views on the professional function of scientific studies were examined under five categories. These are reliable knowledge, real context, ideal practice, beyond experience, and distance from being guides. The research findings can be interpreted as the fact that teacher education practices which take the principles of the research-based teacher education approach into account have the potential to achieve the teacher qualifications targeted by this approach. Considering the potential of these qualifications to fulfill the complex and high-level expectations demanded from the teacher, it is recommended that studies be conducted on how the principles of research-based teacher education can be integrated into existing teacher education programs.
Received: 17 September 2021
Accepted: 20 September 2022
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