Competences in parallax in higher education from multiple standpoints in a Brazilian undergraduate program in International Business

Keywords: higher education, competences, professors, graduates, employers, business studies


This article, a summary of a broader doctoral research study by the author, has different research participants, namely: graduates, their employers, professors, the College Dean and the Program Chair. The goal is to identify how these subjects comprehend the teaching and learning processes of professional competences, in the context of a Brazilian higher education program in International Business. For the theoretical reference, we discuss the concept of competence with different theoretical foundations. We present educational tools that promote teaching and learning competences, in addition to addressing competences for the 21st century. Using Textual Discourse Analysis, we deconstruct and categorize the transcribed discussions by the participants. We arrive at units of meaning, which are related to cognition, behavior, management, pedagogy, and technology, among others. Graduates understand competences are developed through work experience. Professors incorporate life and professional problems into their pedagogical practice, in line with the Dean and Program Chair, who claim the use of market values to structure the program curriculum. As for the employers, they conceive of college as background for the development of professional competences, which in their opinion, occurs via work experience. The process of analyzing and connecting the units of meaning led to the development of two emerging categories: culture and technology. They are in constant action and reaction, moving the dimensions necessary for competent action, under the aegis of the technological paradigm.

Received: 25 August 2021
Accepted: 9 August 2022


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Almeida de Camargo Pereira, Brazilian Post, Brazil

PhD in Education, is an administrator at the Brazilian Post, member of the research group GERES - Grupo de Estudos Relacionados ao Estudante (Study Group Related to Students) in Brazil. He is a learning specialist, content creator for undergraduate courses in business, and a consultant for the development of professional competences. He is the author of articles related to competences, teacher training, higher education, and teaching and learning of competences. His research interests are related to competences and its various connections, teaching and learning processes, teacher training, knowledge management and topics related to higher education. https://orcid. org/0000-0001-5731-341X

Vera Lucia Felicetti, La Salle University, Brazil

PhD in Education, completed her post-doctoral research in the College of Education at the University of Maryland - College Park (USA) with a grant from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Her theoretical and methodological expertise are related to the context of Higher Education, as well as to its graduates, is recognized as a CNPq 1D productivity fellow. Professor of Higher Education, she has worked on committees such as: member of the Technical Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation (CTAA) of Higher Education, consultant for the Ministry of Education in Brazil, member of the Education committee at FAPERGS, coordinator of a Graduate Program of Education, and jury member of international theses from Colombia, India and France. Internationally, she has established research partnerships in the United States and Colombia and serves as an executive member of the International Society for Teacher Education.


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How to Cite
Pereira, Marcelo Almeida de Camargo, and Vera Lucia Felicetti. 2022. “Competences in Parallax in Higher Education from Multiple Standpoints in a Brazilian Undergraduate Program in International Business”. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 10 (1), 65-88.