The use of the video format as a teaching guide in university studies

Keywords: group, experimental group, teaching guide, video, video guide


This article presents a pilot experiment on subjects from three Social Sciences degrees at two public Andalusian universities. The aim is to analyze the teaching guides and their presentation to students as a means of communicating with them, primarily through the video format instead of the conventional written format. To this end, attractive, clear and relatable video teaching guides have been developed to present to students, aware of the success of short videos dominating digital social networks, especially among younger age groups. A knowledge test was given to 99 students on the subject contents, as well as a satisfaction test; the following information was processed through the SPSS program. The main conclusion is that students have a high degree of satisfaction and a better knowledge of the new video guide format than the conventional written model.

Received: 21 July 2022
Accepted: 20 June 2023


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Author Biographies

Luis Navarro-Ardoy, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain

Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University Pablo de Olavide, Spain. He has a PhD in Sociology and expert in methodology and dissemination of social science. He leads the Committee on Practical Sociological Research of the Spanish Sociology Federation. He has been visiting professor at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and visiting researcher at the Institute of Advanced Social Studies-Spanish Research Council’s (IESA-CSIC) and the Center for Applied Social Research (CISA) of the University of Malaga. In the field of teaching innovation, he has participated in numerous educational innovation projects and published articles in prestigious magazines on the use of audiovisual technology in university teaching. In the professional field, he has been a consultant at the Andalusian Government, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Granada, Grampian Regional Equality Council and Aberdeen International Centre. His last publication in 2022 is Multidimensional Analysis of Court Rulings Involving Minors: The Potential of Iramuteq Software (Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 179: 145-158; doi: 10.5477/cis/reis.179.145).

Antonio Castro-Higueras, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Malaga, Spain. He has a PhD in Communication and expert in creative industries. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate training at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), the Isabel I International University and has been a tutor for the Degree in Digital Design and Creation at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). In the professional field, he has been National Technical Deputy Director of the television network Localia TV, Technical Director of the Grupo Prisa production company, Plural Entertainment, and producer of informative programs for TVE2, among other activities related to television. In the field of teaching innovation, he has participated in numerous educational innovation projects and published articles in prestigious magazines on the use of audiovisual technology in university teaching. He has been a digital skills mentor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic period.

Carmen del Rocío Monedero-Morales, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

Professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of Malaga, Spain, and PhD in Journalism with European mention in 2008. Her professional career has always been linked to political and institutional communication offices and to music and cultural journalism. Since 2005 she teaches at the UMA and is a member of several research teams focused on proximity communication, communication and education and cultural journalism. She has published 7 articles in indexed scientific journals (plus two translations). In addition, he has published 14 articles in non-indexed scientific journals according to a relative quality index. Finally, he has made more than 50 book chapters, 15 of these chapters are integrated in books whose publisher is indexed in the SPI ranking of Spanish publishers. She has participated in countless national and international congresses related to her specialties. For the last 7 years she has been part of the decanal team of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UMA.


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How to Cite
Navarro-Ardoy, Luis, Antonio Castro-Higueras, and Carmen del Rocío Monedero-Morales. 2023. “The Use of the Video Format As a Teaching Guide in University Studies”. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 11 (1), 103-24.