The Generic skills challenge for higher education institutions: Experience of public universities in Chile

Keywords: generic skills, curriculum, generic competences, management education, chilean universities


In recent decades in Chile, generic skills have been made explicit in the graduation profiles and curricula of all programs of higher education institutions, following global trends that relate to labor market expectations on the employability of graduates. The institutional characteristics, mission, educational model, and institutional seal condition the choice of the generic skills that are developed. There are no current standards for the process of definition of generic skills sets in the various programs for the different universities. The same is true for the modality of implementation for them. The present article has the purpose of contributing to the knowledge of both the definition and implementation of generic skills inside higher education institutions in Chile. This process becomes relevant in the context of the new demands of students and graduates who face additional employment challenges.

Received: 03 March 2020
Accepted: 05 March 2021


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Author Biographies

Luis Sandoval, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile

Received his degree in political science from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His interest areas are educational policies, impact evaluation, higher education and employment. He has worked in various managerial positions in Chilean universities including Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Graduate Studies. At present, he works in the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana. ORCID: 0001-9452-4945.

María Ormazábal, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile

Received her degree in education from Universidad de Chile. Her interest areas are educational policies, generic competences, impact evaluation, higher education and employment. At present, she works in the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (Chile).


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How to Cite
Sandoval, Luis, and María Ormazábal. 2021. “The Generic Skills Challenge for Higher Education Institutions: Experience of Public Universities in Chile”. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 8 (2), 55-83.