Competence-based approach to a module design for the Master Degree Programme in Translation: Challenge of Tuning Russia Tempus Project
The article demonstrates the application of the modular competence-based approach for the design of a Master degree programme in translation studies. The case study is based on output materials produced during the lifetime of the Tuning Russia project involving a number of Russian universities, one of which is the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH). The module in question – the LSP (language for special purposes) translation module – emphasizes interaction between the related disciplines on the basis of the common subject-matter, i.e. the translation of special purpose texts. The modular approach sets out to achieve key competences required for professional qualifications. In addition, the module considers teaching methods, ECTS and assessment tools. Attention is given to the concept of competence-based approach in contemporary education. The authors argue that the competence-based approach introduced in Russia at the national (Ministerial) level in 2016 facilitates Russia’s interactive alignment with the main principles of the Bologna Process adopted by the European Higher Education Area.
Received: 01 April 2019
Accepted: 24 June 2019
Published online: 29 November 2019
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