Guidelines for Authors

Version 1st May 2014

General Information

The Tuning Journal for Higher Education, TJHE, is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing in English original research studies and reviews in all aspects of competence-based, student-centred, and outcome-oriented education reforms at university level across the globe. The submitted manuscript should not have been previously copyrighted or published in any form and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Preparation

To expedite the review process, please format your manuscript as follows:

 1. Prepare your manuscript as a single editable Microsoft Word or Open Office document with line numbering, using the template (TJHE Article Template) downloadable from the web page of the Journal ( The file should include the complete text, references, tables and figures. All revised manuscripts should again be sent as a single editable document.

 2. Manuscripts must be written in ‘British English’ and include a 100-300 word abstract. The title page should include authors’ affiliations plus the email address of a single corresponding author. The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), 16th edition, should be used as a reference for manuscript preparation (

 3. Format of references, notes and bibliography list.

a) Authors are required to format their citations and references using the ‘Notes and Bibliography’ system of the CMOS, 16th edition ( and not its ‘Author-date’ system.

b) Note references must be numbered in superscript format in the text and arranged numerically (in the order they appear in the text) at the bottom of each page, in line with the CMOS ‘Footnotes’ system.

c) ‘Notes’ include complete bibliographic information when cited for the first time. For subsequent citations of the same source, shortened versions are preferred.

d) The ‘Bibliography’ list includes all and only sources cited in the ‘Notes’ and provides complete reference information.

e) ‘Bibliography’ entries are to be arranged alphabetically by (first) author’s last name following the CMOS guidelines.

 f) Microsoft Word (2010 and later) can be used with such software as “EndNote”, “RefWorks”, “Reference Manager”, and “Zotero”, to simplify the task of managing citations and references according to the recommended CMOS.

 4. Authors are asked to provide between 5 and 10 keywords immediately following the Abstract.

 5. Authors are reminded that it is their sole responsibility to ensure that the use of English in their manuscripts is ‘British English’ and that they can resort to professional editing services.

 6. Please ensure that all the characters and special characters in the text, tables, figure legends, footnotes and references are in a single typeface and point size – such as 12 pt Times New Roman. Once a manuscript is accepted, a copy editor will decide the typeface and size of the different elements of the article.

 7. Please submit all figures or photographs as separate jpg or tif files with distinct characters and symbols at 500 dpi (dots per inch). Tables and equations should be in an editable rather than an image version. Tables must be edited either with Microsoft Word or Open Office. Equations must be edited with the appropriate Equation Editor. Tables, table captions, figures and figure captions should be appended after the ‘Bibliography’ section, as indicated on the ‘TJHE Article Template’).

 8. Type your manuscript single-spaced. This will conserve paper and makes it easier for reviewers to handle.

 9. Manuscripts should normally be between 5,000 and 12,000 words including notes, references, captions, and diagrams. Diagrams should be reckoned at the equivalent of 500 words if they occupy a full page and proportionately less if smaller. Longer articles require editorial approval.

10. Authors of manuscripts should each submit a biographical note of 150-200 words. The note must contain the following information:

— Full Name

— E-mail address

— Affiliation

— Current post

— Relevant experience

— Principle fields of research

— Highest academic qualification

Online Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted online via the Tuning Journal for Higher Education online manuscript submission and review system at <>.

Manuscripts will be processed using the Open Journal Systems software which allows authors to track the progress of their manuscript.

Authors are invited, in their covering email, to provide the names of three well-qualified reviewers. Current e-mail addresses must be provided for all suggested reviewers. They should also supply the email address of a single author who will act as corresponding author.

A copyright transfer agreement must be signed after acceptance but before publication.

Review Process

Manuscripts not conforming to journal guidelines will be returned to authors without evaluation.

Manuscripts accepted for review will be handed to the Editor, or a member of the Editorial Advisory Panel, who will assign them to external reviewers.

The Editor will prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers and the recommendation of the Advisory Editor, which will be sent to the corresponding author by email.

It is our intention that all non-reviewed manuscripts will be sent back within 21 days of submission and decision letters for manuscripts will be sent within 8 weeks of receipt.

Publication Cost

There is no publication cost.

More information and correspondence

More information is available at <>. Editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editor (Paul. D. Ryan, <>) and or Managing Editor (Ladislas Bizimana, <>). The mailing address is the following:

University of Deusto

Publications Service

Attn: Managing Editor, Tuning Journal for Higher Education

Avenida de las Universidades, 24

48007 Bilbao